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Welcome to Sakara Nutrition

Creating Healthier Relationships with Food and Your Body


Meet Our Dietitian

At Sakara Nutrition, we believe that true health is achieved by nourishing your body while developing a positive relationship with food. Our Registered Dietitian is dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals and overcome disordered eating patterns. Click below to learn more about our approach.

Areas of Expertise

At Sakara Nutrition, we specialize in providing nutrition counseling services for those struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating patterns. Our certified Dietitian-Nutritionist has extensive experience in the following areas:

Eating Disorders

Disordered Eating

Body Image Concerns

Intuitive Eating

Meal Planning

Sports Nutrition


"Sakara" is a word with origins in Sanskrit, an ancient Indic language. "Sakara" can be interpreted as "manifest" or "embodied." The word is often associated with concepts related to manifestation and the tangible, physical aspect of things. 

In certain regions of East Asia, the name Sakara evolved into a similar-sounding word that means “harmony” or “balance.”

The name Sakara carries immense cultural significance in numerous communities worldwide. It has become more than just a name; it has become a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and hope.

Sakara Nutrition

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